Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Let Them Eat Cake…

Because we now have one, a cake that is! For those who know me well, know that I don’t eat cake, not a fan, crazy, I know but it is what it is. Now J on the other hand, you give him something made with butter and sugar and oh boy…is he happy. So this cake was a big deal to him. I have to give him props too, he found a baker with our budget, researched cakes to get ideas of what he wanted and set up the appointment for us last weekend. So now, through all his hard work, we have a lovely, Mexican vanilla 3-tiered cake with lavender ribbon and fresh flowers on top. Yes, there will be cake!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Side note...

So with a new year, brings new opportunities and a desire to become a better person. One of my girlfriends has really taken the lead on this and has started a blog, here is the concept:

The blog is called 1 Month, 1 Change and it is supposed to replace your yearly new years resolutions that never come to fruition. We will pick 1 theme a month and you will tailor your goal/resolution around that theme. Then through out the month you will blog about your progress, changes you see in yourself, how it is effecting your loved ones, etc. Then at the end of the month we will choose a new theme and so on. The goal is to hopefully keep these changes you have made going well into the next month and hopefully the next years.

I think this is a really great idea and couldn't wait to jump on board. The theme this month is Detox. I am going to detox from red wine and also clense my house of unused junk. Feel free to check out what others are doing and the progress we have made at:

Happy New Year!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

A little bling, bling…

Wedding band time! We are getting closer and closer to the wedding date and not having the bands is slowly seeping into my nervousness. For my engagement ring, we looked around Austin and I just could not find anything I really loved. A friend recommended a jeweler up in Irving, Texas. We went to visit him and I really loved the opportunity to design a custom ring. George is so helpful in explaining the different diamonds and process in buying a ring. I didn’t see the ring until Jason proposed and so we put a lot of faith that George knew what we wanted.

Now it is time to order the bands and we do not have the ability to go up to Irving again for another house visit. So in true form, we are sending George pictures of what we would like and hoping for the best. I really trust him and truly believe that he will come through. Fingers crossed!!