So this is kind of off topic, but it does make my bones ache so I thought I would write about it. I have started Jill’s 30 Day Shred. For those who haven’t heard of it, Jillian Michaels is a trainer on the Biggest Loser and her workout DVD is popular on the bridal and spring break circuit. I am convinced that she is trying to kill me in 5 minute intervals.
I started it this week with my “break” days being yoga class. Her workout consists of at 3-2-1 plan, 3 minutes Strength, 2 minutes Cardio and 1 minute abs. You repeat this for 20 minutes and do a cool down, easy peasy right? I can do anything for 20 minutes. WRONG!! I can barely walk or sit down, my thighs are screaming in pain and it hurts to raise my arms. The worst part is the actual work out. After about 8 minutes I am huffing and puffing and after 12 I am yelling out loud like a body builder. I have had to banish Jason from the house during these workouts because he can’t stop giggling at my poor performance. The good news is, it is working! I am feeling stronger in just 1 week and a smidgen trimmer too. I plan on following this through at least until the wedding and maybe if I am motivated until the honeymoon in late April.